Thursday, May 31, 2012

Five little robin chicks.

sneaking two peaks over the three days

Their eyes are open on day two.

Looking around.

These little guys are getting squished on day four from the first photo below.  And I just noticed that there are five chicks total!  The little guy in the front is getting smooshed.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Bunny at the feeder

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Marigolds from the mark ready to do there job of keeping the bugs off the tomato!

New wonders every day!

Its a new day!!

What wonder will come your way?

Open your eyes and look around!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Shady garden

Saint Elizabeth

We found this statue in the garden when we moved in.  The statue is in honor of Gabe's wife, who died during the birth of her fourth daughter.  Saint Elizabeth is the patron saint of midwives.

Azalea in bloom




Saint Francis at dusk

Pea stones around the deck

Potted mint

Thistle in bloom

The herb garden year three

Harry Holl birdbath

The pavers

More loam to move.

Japanese maple

Sweet little maple tree lost about half of itself during the hurricane.
It still lives on.

Sunrise, a chance to begin again.

Welcome sunrise.
You remind me of the new day.
A chance to begin anew.

The herb garden

The "Swale"

Year one of the swale.  Stones removed from the wooded area that joins the property were removed and set in a mote like fashion to receive the rain water run off from the road.

Japanese painted ferns set around the stones along the the swale.